I have recently been auditing a client’s cloud infrastructure to looking for configuration difference between vCenters/PODs.
Here is a helpful little PowerCLI script to review all the Virtual SCSI Controllers for VM’s in your environment.
# Retrieving VM Disk Controller Types # V1.0 by Christian Parker # Set Variables $POD = "vcenter.domain.local" $Cluster1 = "Management" # Connect to vSphere Write-Host "Connecting to" $POD Connect-VIServer $POD | Out-Null # Retrieve VM Disk Controller Types Write-Host "Collecting Virtual SCSI Controllers for" $POD Get-VM -Location $Cluster1 | Select Name,@{N="Cluster";E={Get-Cluster -VM $_}},@{N="Controller Type";E={Get-ScsiController -VM $_ | Select -ExpandProperty Type}} | Export-Csv C:\Temp\vSCSI_Type.csv -NoTypeInformation # Disconnect from vSphere Disconnect-VIServer $POD -Force -confirm:$false
it works like a charm..great thanks and really appreciated it.